
Benefits of Yoga on your back

The Benefits of Yoga on Your Back

There are many benefits to practicing Yoga, and one of them is that it can help you manage your back pain. At Unity Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Beaverton, we will advise you on whether or not yoga is the right choice for you.

Yoga Helps Prevent Further Back Pain

One of the biggest benefits of yoga is that it strengthens your back. When you hold a pose it forces your muscles to support your back. If it hurts when you initially start doing it, you know that you need the muscles in your back strengthened. In addition, it helps make your abdominal muscles stronger which also helps support your back. Regular sessions will condition your muscles to be healthier, eliminating back pain altogether.

Promoting Relaxation and Stretching

Another benefit of yoga is that when you stretch and relax your muscles you feel less tension in your back. Most poses are held for between 10 and 60 seconds depending on the specific pose. Each pose works specific muscles in your body and also targets certain joints that can cause pain. If you suffer from lower back pain, this is especially important. When you stretch your hamstrings, your pelvis moves around more. This movement reduces the stress that is placed on the lower parts of your back, in part, by increasing blood flow to your back.

Improving Your Posture

Yoga can also help you improve your posture. You have to practice yoga regularly to enjoy this benefit. Continuous sessions will help you keep your head and shoulders in balance. This goes a long way in reducing your pain.

Contact Unity Chiropractic And Wellness Center

If you live in or around Beaverton, OR, and are interested in using yoga to manage your back pain, call Unity Chiropractic and Wellness Center today at 503-747-3388. We will provide a thorough examination and help you decide if yoga is a good option to meet your health goals.