
Lifetime of Free Massage Therapy

How to get a lifetime of free massage therapy for only $30!

For around $30 you can empower yourself with a lifetime of free massage therapy. Of course, I am talking about simple to use, effective, and pain relieving self-massage tools. As a myofascial therapist with clients ranging from world-class athletes to senior citizens and office workers, I understand how easy it is for our daily activities to lead to joint pain and discomfort. A session or series of sessions with me is often a great way for my clients to break through chronic pain and disfunction. However, I teach all my clients that they can be their own massage therapist and in so doing reduce not only their time in pain but time and money spent seeking therapy.

I want to tell you about three key tools I use and be sure to check out my Amazon Affiliate store with my key recommendations. The products I am suggesting are the same ones I own and use. There are more sophisticated tools out there, like the Supernova. Designed by Kelly Starrett DPT, it is a very effective replacement for the traditional softball and well work the $40 price tag. However a softball works great and is a great place to start.

One caution to keep in mind however is to avoid pressure directly on bony areas. This is especially true for the spinous processes of the back. 

Foam roller: A foam roller is a great tool for easing out tension and knots. Because of its gentle curve and longer surface area, it can feel a little less threatening and is great for areas like your back, hips, and thighs. I demonstrate how to use a foam roller very simply by explaining to my clients that any time I am able to use my forearm across a broad surface, that is something they can reproduce at home or at the gym by using a foam roller.

Softball: A softball is a great tool that sits somewhere between the size and hardness of the foam roller and the lacrosse ball. Because it is a bit softer and much broader than the lacrosse ball it makes a great all-around tool. I recommend it, together with a lacrosse ball, for travel and I even keep one by my bed. A softball is just the right size to get into those larger muscles like the hips and thighs and can be an amazing relief.

Lacrosse Ball: A lacrosse ball is small, hard, and easy to use. But because it is smaller in diameter and harder than a foam roller accuracy is important. LIkewise, it is most useful in those areas like the upper back and shoulders where bony surfaces might make a larger tool feel uncomfortable. One great use is to place the lacrosse ball against the wall at the height of you scapula and lean gently back against it to ease that irritating pain we feel at the trigger point in the mid-scapular area. You will find you can roll around and target a variety of areas this way.