
Benefits of Zerona Laser

Zerona laser therapy is a treatment that uses a low-level laser to stimulate fat cells. It's able to liquefy fatty tissue, leading to targeted, long-term weight loss. Laser therapy is one of the many services we offer at Unity Chiropractic and Wellness Center in McMinnville, OH. Don't hesitate to talk to a chiropractor if you're interested in this treatment and its benefits.

Zerona Laser Therapy Is Safe and Non-Invasive

Surgical weight loss is highly invasive and can be damaging to the body. In contrast, laser therapy isn't invasive in any way. The procedure is painless and doesn't require any punctures to the skin or anesthesia. You should be able to resume your normal activities shortly after treatment.

It's a Fast Procedure With No Downtime

Even if you have a busy schedule, you should be able to find time for Zerona. Typically, sessions take around 40 minutes. Sessions are relaxing, and many patients choose to read or listen to music during their treatment. Once a session is over, you can walk out of the office with no pain, bruising, or downtime.

Zerona Laser Treatments Are Very Effective

Zerona laser therapy is a highly effective way to lose fat and tone the body. Patients usually see visible results after around six treatment sessions, which can be completed in as little as two weeks! On average, people lose about six inches of fat.

Since the procedure leads to actual fat loss, it can provide lasting results as long as you maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine after your treatments.

It's a Targeted Treatment

Exercise offers many health benefits, but unfortunately, it's not possible to target specific areas when you work out. Zerona, on the other hand, is a targeted treatment. This laser therapy can target stubborn fat in the thighs, abdomen, or other parts of the body.

Talk to Our Chiropractor About Zerona Laser Therapy

If you're interested in targeted fat loss, ask your chiropractor to tell you more about Zerona! To learn more, make an appointment at Unity Chiropractic and Wellness Center in McMinnville, OR.